This Blog is all about Led Zeppelin and sharing every known concert recording (bootleg) spanning their career 1968 - 1980. My goal is
to help others in finding these historic shows! Any Led Zeppelin concert you want RIGHT HERE!!! These shows are a time machine into the past that allow us people of today to enjoy the Led Zeppelin experience in true, raw form, straight from the tapers! I believe everyone should be able to enjoy these shows! And I really appreciate all of the Tapers who made these shows available!!! I may not have every single bootleg available, but there is at least one for every date known to have been recorded.
On the right side of the blog is the Concert Date Archive containing every concert date performed by Zep in yearly order, when you click on any date it takes you to the bootleg for that show. Below that is the Post Archive, Special Thanks and links to other popular bootleg sites. On the left side of the blog is a Video Archive section containing everything there is of live footage of Zep (DVD's, 8MM and Fan Footage) And below that is the Lossless section.
Every concert I post will contain a link to download the concert. I use Mega to upload and make available for download. You do not have to install the Mega App to download shows, but I highly recommend it. Especially when downloading the bigger files. It does make things easier. But you can just use your browser. Also, some browsers like Internet Explorer will not let you download. Firefox and Google Chrome work well. I assure you that all of the links here will be working as long as I'm alive!
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Sunday, September 27, 2015

1969.11.02 Led Zeppelin O'Keefe Centre Toronto Listen To My Bluebird

Led Zeppelin
O'Keefe Centre Toronto
Listen To My Bluebird

Here is the link
Press Review: The flight of the Led Zeppelin

"Everybody comfortable? 'cos we won't start until you are!"

Showmanship and artistry marked the Led Zeppelin concert at the O'Keefe Centre on Sunday. The surroundings weren't exactly the best for the creation of a relaxed, involved, groovy  audience - but the heavy music in the darkness slowly loosened the crowd and relaxed the people, but never to that point  of uninhibited hysteria that the Zeppelin seem to expect.

Rock is becoming an art

It became very obvious as the Zeppelin took the stage that rock music is now an art which, at peak performance, is experimenting with combinations of electronic sounds and voices. Rock is closest to achieving the function of pop art – in interpreting the industrial environment of machines - and motors to people.

But the Edward Bear, who are supposedly a new and fast-moving Canadian group first disgraced themselves with uncoordinated, loud and clumsy derivative noise. Don't bother about their first album which is to be dumped on the market soon.

Theatre is a large part of the success of a rock concert - the dance of singers and players, exhibiting slim and graceful bodies to the virile music, the element of surprise and old-fashioned carnival showmanship.

After a long and absorbing drum solo called 'Moby Dick' the Led Zeppelin wound up with the last, important component of good rock - audience reaction, as they moved us out of the theatre, still rocking and clapping our hands, the formal and straight atmosphere of the 0' Keefe blown to kingdom come. (by By J. ALBRIGHT, York University, Nov. 5, 1969)

While in Toronto, John Bonham picks up a miniature set of drums for his three year old son Jason: "I've bought him a great set of miniature drums. It's an absolutely perfect replica down to the bass drum pedal and hi-hat. Even I can play them. They are Japanese made and I saw them in a shop in Toronto. They weren't really for sale and were just on display. But I offered them a hundred dollars and bought them." (M.M., Dec. 1969)

An excellent show, full of energy and classic 1969 Zeppelin. Jones is all over the place, Jimmy is spectacular, Bonham is amazing and Robert's voice is so high it is unbelievable. Plant joked with the crowd: "We intend to try to do as much of the Led Zeppelin IV album as possible, but we through we'd cut it down by half and do Led Zeppelin II." There are many other songs thrown in, including a great version of Buffalo Springfield's Bluebird, Neil Young's Down By The River and The Yardbird's Still I'm Sad. This is all that is known to exist from this show, and it is truly a spectacular concert.

The tape begins with Plant telling the crowd "it's great to be back in Toronto." It's obvious from the first few bars of Good Times Bad Times/Communication Breakdown that something special is going on. Plant is over the top, shouting repeatedly as the breakdown begins. Page, Jones, and Bonzo couldn't be tighter as Plant sings about his bluebird. His wailing intro to I Can't Quit You Baby sounds effortlessly powerful. Jones's wandering bassline is the perfect groundwork for Page's wild soloing.

Plant jokes with the crowd about the band's intention to play as much of "Led Zeppelin Four" as possible. The intro to Heartbreaker sends a chill down the spine. An excellent a cappella solo has Page breaking the Led Zeppelin II mold and improvising some licks that are pure electricity, causing Plant to declare "amen!" at the conclusion. Dazed and Confused is a dynamic journey, the guitar solo stretches beyond all limits. Plant improvises new lyrics during the final verse. There is a cut in the tape just before Plant introduces another excellent White Summer/Black Mountain Side. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You is back and more powerful than ever. Plant delivers an especially heartfelt performance, including references to Ramble On as Page plays some interesting staccato passages. The tape ends with Moby Dick, which is unfortunately missing a chunk in the middle.

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